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TOP 5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHEESE  Cheese contains many health benefits, which we will considered here today.  Today I will outline 5 health  benefits of cheese  Cheese contains many nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamin C , vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Other [1] vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin , niacin are also found in different types of cheese. Adding it to your diet also provides certain vital minerals such as calcium , sodium , zinc , phosphorus , potassium and iron to the human body. Below are the top 5 health benefits of cheese  1. Dental Care Cheese has very high calcium content, the first and foremost thing you need for strong teeth. Moreover, it is very low in lactose content. Older the cheese, lower the lactose content in it. This also is beneficial for the teeth as any form of sugar (glucose, maltose or lactose) in food can harm the teeth 2.Osteoporosis O... latest-links



Green tea has been regarded as a health promoting beverage since ancient times. And today researchers are finding even more convincing proof of its healing properties. But what exactly are the health benefits of green tea? In this article I’ll unleash what makes green tea so special and what it can do for you in terms of improving your health as well as your longevity.


It increases the activity of insulin in the body and controls blood sugar more effectively than any other health drink. Research shows that green tea has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels by half after the consumption of starchy foods. The recommended amount of people trying to control their blood sugar levels is from 1 to 3 cups a day. Regularly drinking green tea will help keep your blood sugar levels in check, but the benefits can best be reaped by drinking green tea with starchy foods.

2. Improved Memory

A research conducted over four weeks of regular consumption showed enhanced activity and connectivity in parts of the brain that deal with a working memory. Research is being conducted to understand the benefits of green tea for diseases associated with memory loss, such as Alzheimer’s.

3. Infection Prevention

Green tea protects the body from urinary tract infections and invigorates kidney health and function. The antimicrobial effects of green tea on E.Coli help keep your gut nice and clean. Green contains high amounts of EGC, which kills the bacteria in the urinary tract.

4. Anti-aging

Being a powerhouse of antioxidants, it is a given that green tea will prevent the damage that free radicals cause to the skin. Even though aging cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down by maintaining an antioxidant-rich diet. Antioxidants promote elasticity in the body and inhibit the degenerative processes occurring in your skin cells. The polyphenols and amino acids in the green tea will help the skin produce collagen and prevent wrinkles. Many skin care products are infused with green tea extract to prevent premature aging.

5. Prevents Eye Disease and Protects Vision

One study that was published in the February 2010 issue of the
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry investigated the effects of catechins on eye diseases and found that consuming more catechins may help protect the eyes from oxidative damage and vision loss. Scientists involved in the study found evidence that catechins can pass from the digestive tract of rodents to the
tissues of their eyes and reduce oxidative stress for up to 20 hours after ingestion


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TOP 5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHEESE  Cheese contains many health benefits, which we will considered here today.  Today I will outline 5 health  benefits of cheese  Cheese contains many nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamin C , vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Other [1] vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin , niacin are also found in different types of cheese. Adding it to your diet also provides certain vital minerals such as calcium , sodium , zinc , phosphorus , potassium and iron to the human body. Below are the top 5 health benefits of cheese  1. Dental Care Cheese has very high calcium content, the first and foremost thing you need for strong teeth. Moreover, it is very low in lactose content. Older the cheese, lower the lactose content in it. This also is beneficial for the teeth as any form of sugar (glucose, maltose or lactose) in food can harm the teeth 2.Osteoporosis O... latest-links

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