25 ways to loss weight in just '10 days'
By Boluwatife Emmanuel
Research says that a large number of people are not satisfied with their present look, this has called for a radical solution for it's affects peoples performance at workplace, their emotions thereby causing a social cultural and personal problems
'1. Increase water intake'
2. Switch to green tea instead of tea/coffee
3.Hot water with lemon and Honey
4.Reduce the intake of carbohydrates
5.Increase protein intake
6.Get rid of food cravings
7.Not more than 3meals a day
8.Proper sprouts to snacks
9.Consume fruits with high water contents and less calories
10.Never skip Meals
11.Avoid junk food
12.Avoid the three white poisons
13.Proper exercise
14.Reduce your food consumption to one-third
Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies show that calories from liquid sugar may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet (54 ).
For example, one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children for each daily serving (55 ).
Keep in mind that this applies to fruit juice as well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like Coke (56 ).
Eat whole fruit, but limit or avoid fruit juice altogether.
Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies show that calories from liquid sugar may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet (
For example, one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children for each daily serving (
Keep in mind that this applies to fruit juice as well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like Coke (
Eat whole fruit, but limit or avoid fruit juice altogether.
If you want to be a leaner, healthier person, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is to eat whole, single-ingredient foods.
These foods are naturally filling, and it’s very difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based on them.
If you want to be a leaner, healthier person, then one of the best things you can do for yourself is to eat whole, single-ingredient foods.
These foods are naturally filling, and it’s very difficult to gain weight if the majority of your diet is based on them.
One of the biggest problems with diets is that they rarely work in the long term.
If anything, people who diet tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain (57 ).
Instead of going on a diet, aim to become a healthier, happier and fitter person. Focus on nourishing your body instead of depriving it.
Weight loss should then follow naturally.
One of the biggest problems with diets is that they rarely work in the long term.
If anything, people who diet tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain (
Instead of going on a diet, aim to become a healthier, happier and fitter person. Focus on nourishing your body instead of depriving it.
Weight loss should then follow naturally.
Your brain may take a while to register that you’ve had enough to eat. Some studies show that chewing more slowly can help you eat fewer calories and increase the production of hormones linked to weight loss (58 , 59 ).
Also consider chewing your food more thoroughly. Studies show that increased chewing may reduce calorie intake at a meal (60 ).
These practices are a component of mindful eating, which aims to help you slow down your food intake and pay attention to each bite.
Your brain may take a while to register that you’ve had enough to eat. Some studies show that chewing more slowly can help you eat fewer calories and increase the production of hormones linked to weight loss (
Also consider chewing your food more thoroughly. Studies show that increased chewing may reduce calorie intake at a meal (
These practices are a component of mindful eating, which aims to help you slow down your food intake and pay attention to each bite.
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